Stationery Enterprises
our company has kept good business relationships with various stationery enterprises from more than 100 countries and regions for half a century. Our company distinguishes ourselves in global trade by large-scale, high volume and time-sensitive consumer goods with an annual revenue of over 0.1 billion USD. We are the largest company in the same […]

Yiwu Stationery Market
According to Yiwu stationery market,Now students stationery pattern, sort is various, vertiginous. Some of the various function is more “toys, stationery,” one of the most typical, when is the writing case, cutting a pen implement and rubber. Optional have a browse, he found that just cut a knife is cabin type, goldfish […]

Stationery Wholesale
For the students, in addition to change new books besides, greatly small stationery wholesale also avoid to renewal. In the business world, we see, pen, pencil case, measuring tools, notebook, not only rich have DuoZhong stationery design function, manufacturers also according to the nature of the children, will stationery design into the toy or […]

Stationery Business
Stationery business development brings out the five major characteristics: First, Stationery Business great market potential, increase purchasing power. Our country’s existing primary and middle school students of about 190 million people, large high school students of about 40 million people, adult students of about 5 million people, enterprise or business the unit the leadership is […]

Pen Business
Pen products is to use side wide, demand is big, are the consumption of consumer products, and is the specific group must. In normal circumstances, stationery pens every year of consumption have some balance and have certain regularity, overall demand in a relatively stable growth were slightly, so every year, overall demand for fluctuation […]

Office And Stationery Suppliers
Stationery industry from the traditional planned economy of the seller’s market transition gradually formed in a market economy, the buyer’s market, before and after more than 20 years, in the production and management idea has changed a lot. Stationery market development, early domestic manufacturers, more products with less dependence on imports, and increasing […]

Pen Trade
History when the pen is there was no looking back. To be sure, in the human with written and pictures record before, the true sense of the pen has come out. Ancient people in the rock walls, inscriptions on bones or tortoise lettering or draw hard stone, animal bones used, should be counted as […]

Office Stationery Factory
Office stationery dubbed China stationery industry of the last piece of cake, with more and more competitors, the competition pattern will quickly change, competition will promote the whole industry forward development. By market DuoNian baptism, domestic will appear some monopoly of the national office stationery brand, some strong regional brand, brand and […]

Student Stationery
Popular student stationery because its fashionable element change fast characteristics, the management of commodity show is particularly important. Have a lot of stationery manufacturing enterprise is just in the account profits, blindly mass production, ignore market reflect, caused the stationery inventory, and with the passage of time popular style of stationery products in the […]

Whiteboard Factory
To give teachers provide better education, the practice of teaching equipment platform to introduce a the most advanced electronic means-interactive electronic whiteboard. It is by the electronic board, computer, software and the projector four constituent elements composition, is a high-tech teaching auxiliary supplies, is a computer interactive operation mode, it can solve common […]
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