Yiwu foreign trade development still faces many problems,the rising cost of labor is the biggest one.
“In spite of the growth in total, but specific to the enterprise, the difficulties is still a lot this year.” clothing export business owners, Mr. Chen said last year December 25 their factory are still work,start early at the beginning of this year,but the profit is more and more thin.
It is learned,this year our city foreign trade enterprises are still facing the raw material prices, RMB appreciation, international ocean freight rise in price, and many other difficulties, export costs sharply increase. In spite of this, for yiwu most of the small and medium-sized enterprises (smes), as long as can receive foreign trade order, even if deducting the r&d cost, rent, advertising and so on, also want to order production, “”At present, yiwu clothing, toys labor-intensive products export is still growing rapidly, foreign trade enterprise of small profit even negative levels showed a trend of escalation. Therefore, in the long run, this will affect the sustainable development of yiwu trade.”
In addition, At the beginning of the New Year. recruitment problems trouble the foreign trade enterprises. Because the foreign trade enterprise mainly labor-intensive, larger demand for human resources. A data shows, in yiwu market, human resources, 386 companies with 6415 job recruiters, can only come in looking for a job number is 910. Sources close to the yiwu enterprises workers gap is expected to reach more than 100000 people, the employment gap will cause great influence to the yiwu trade export.
This news was published by Yiwu International Trade Co.,Ltd.:
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